Sunday, 26 September 2010


This is the questionnaire we gave to our focus group and the results we found were quite similar. Firstly, most people's favourite genre they listened to was mainly pop/indie. We were happy with this result as our music video is the same genre to what the majority of people liked, therefore allowing a wider range of audience who would go and buy this record. Secondly, the feedback we attained with which parts of the music video entices them, was mainly the change in mise-en-scene. This is because they said they enjoyed watching different cuts to different locations and people, which supports what our music video consists of. However, when asking whether or not people preferred a video with or without a narration, most of the feedback for us was negative as people did prefer a narration. This was because they enjoy listening to a song whilst watching its' video that indicates a certain ambiguity to it and therefore allows the audience to think about what is going on, so whenever the song is played it can refer back to the video which may create word of mouth because it's unique. We also found that many people do watch a large amount of music videos, which suggests a popularity in the music culture that may persuade them to buy a product more than just listening to it on the radio. When asking whether or not they prefer seeing just the artist or other people involved in a music video, the feedback we got indicated they prefer just the artists, however this was more popular when it was a band instead of just one artist, therefore they said they did like other people involved in a one artist video to add more interest in the video and people gave examples of the video 'Nickleback-Rockstar' as there were a large amount of other celebrities. We of course, attempted to do the same, yet not with celebrities. All of the people said they did create a certain understanding in music videos as they are able to feel the unique creativity coming from one artist and this can compare with others which indicate a different aspect on a simple song for its music video.

The target audience

We have made our video to appeal to a mass audience. We have used a mix genre cast including a large amount of different nationalities to appeal to both genres all over the world. We had done close up shots of all the actors and actresses and included lots of different elements like words created on livetype.
We have found our main audience to be both male and female, however more females enjoyed our video, as the main protagonist is a male and therefore may develop 'crushes' on the artist.

The mood of the song

Seeing as our song is quite fast paced, due to the guitar playing, our idea was to do cutaways at the introduction of the song to allow a change in mise-en-scene. This will keep the audience's attention on the beginning of the video and they will therefore want to watch the rest of it. The mood of the song however, is quite emotional and quite saddening. Therefore, for our video we decided to add a more enjoyable thing to watch, with plenty of actresses and different mise-en-scene which will keep the audience engaged.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Beginning of Filming....

Today (Tuesday 19th October) we are filming our first scene. The scene will be shot in the drama studio and will involve our leading protagonist. We are going to film in the drama studios because it consists of a dark room with a spotlight on him as he sings the song. We decided on this setting because we wanted to use the lighting, so we could change it when filming different angles, especially close-ups. Furthermore, we were lucky to book the drama studios so we won't be disturbed while filming.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Changing our idea

After a few changes with filming we decided to change our idea from purley narrative based to a combination of different singers aswell as an element of live performance. This was a risky strategy however if we excuted it correctly and affeciently the risk would pay off and we would have produced a unique music video. Music videos are designed to sell the artist and their music by not having a narrative we could focus purley in selling our artist, Leo Hunter. However we had to be aware and very critical with our work to make sure we did not confuse the viewer. The artist himself features in our video doing a live performance. All the other performers are female. We decided to use female singers as female characteristics are more associated with love and emotion. Love and emotion are key themes in the songs lyrics. Female actors and singers also connect with a male fan base. The girls in it are also meant to represent 'love lost', 'love found' and 'love'.